Monday, March 12, 2012

Swiss keeper fined for megaphone antics

BERN, Switzerland (AP) — A goalkeeper in the Swiss league has been fined for rousing fans and taunting opponents by shouting through a megaphone after a match.

Thun goalkeeper David da Costa has been ordered to pay 2,500 Swiss francs ($3,440; €2,420) by the Swiss league's disciplinary panel for "repeated profanity in public" after his side beat Grasshoppers on July 24.

One week earlier, Da Costa scaled a perimeter fence at Servette's stadium to address Thun fans with a megaphone after a season-opening victory.

The league says the 25-year-old goalkeeper's behavior was "denigrating the opponent" and "unsportsmanlike."

Da Costa escaped a suspension after he and Thun apologized, the league says.

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