Thursday, March 1, 2012

Qld: Hill sacked over One Nation split

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: Hill sacked over One Nation split

Former Queensland One Nation senator-elect HEATHER HILL has been sacked for the part
she's played in the breakaway registration of One Nation Queensland.

Ms HILL has been sacked from her position of policy advisor to One Nation's only Senator
LEN HARRIS, after the Queensland MP earlier described her as disloyal to him and the party.

Ms HILL has been registered as the new secretary of One Nation Queensland.

Senator HARRIS says he's told her it's mutually inconsistent for her to work in one
political office while being involved with the re-registration of the five politicians.

PAULINE HANSON's One Nation Party has promised to fight the move by the five state
parliamentarians to set up One Nation Queensland.

One Nation's parliamentary leader in Queensland, BILL FELDMAN and four of his colleagues
registered One Nation Queensland as a separate, state-based political party.

The five MPs say they'd been in political limbo since One Nation was deregistered in
Queensland last month when the Supreme Court ruled the party's original registration was
fraudulent and dishonest.

AAP RTV jfs/kbw/rp


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