Wednesday, February 29, 2012

VIC:Baillieu in tax row

AAP General News (Australia)
VIC:Baillieu in tax row

Victorian Opposition Leader TED BAILLIEU has rubbished allegations he has links to
a company based in an overseas tax haven.

But the government's called on the millionaire MP to prove the allegations are false
and settle his financial dealings once and for all by putting his share interests in a
blind trust.

News Limited's reported that Mr BAILLIEU has an interest in two companies of which
accountant WILLIAM HEMPHILL is a director or secretary.

Mr HEMPHILL is also secretary of a third company whose parent company is based in the
European tax haven of Jersey.

Mr BAILLIEU's office says the claims are false and fabricated and Mr BAILLIEU has no
link to any tax haven or companies based in an overseas tax haven.

The government's expected to attack Mr BAILLIEU's wealth as it seeks to tarnish his
credibility and ability to relate to Victorians in the lead up to the November election.

AAP RTV cmb/gfr/crh


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