Monday, February 27, 2012

Vic: Govt defends secret AFL deals

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Govt defends secret AFL deals

Victoria's Acting Premier JOHN THWAITES has defended government secrecy around the
Transport Accident Commission's AFL sponsorship.

A report by parliament's financial watchdog has criticised the 15-year tradition of
secrecy over the commission's support for Collingwood and Richmond.

It says public entities' spending should be subject to the same level of scrutiny as
other areas of government.

The commission's deal with Richmond was abruptly terminated this season when a player
was charged with drink-driving and speeding.

The commission's support for Collingwood also came under pressure last season when
a player lost his licence for speeding.

Mr THWAITES has told ABC radio the undisclosed sponsorship amounts are value for money.

He says the deals are not a secret and have aired in the media.

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