Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW: Villawood rooftop protest enters third day

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Villawood rooftop protest enters third day

A rooftop protest by three detainees at Sydney's Villawood detention centre has entered
its third day.

New Zealanders MONTANA KELLY and his cousin BRUCE NGAROMOA .. and Vietnamese man VAN
NGUYN climbed onto the roof on Monday night .. in a protest sparked by the cancellation
of home visits.

Two of the men say they need surgery after cutting themselves running through razor
wire to get onto the roof of the western Sydney facility.

A spokeswoman for Immigration Minister KEVIN ANDREWS says centre management won't force
the men to come down.

About 48 detainees are on a hunger strike in support of the resumption of home visits
and better conditions .. with 10 of them sleeping on a basketball court.

AAP RTV sk/jmt


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