Friday, March 2, 2012

Council urged to install cameras after arrest 'fiasco'

TAXPAYERS' money could be used to allow filming ofCarmarthenshire Council meetings for public viewing.

A council chief revealed councillors will have a chance to decidewhether it is worth the cost after Plaid's Dyfrig Thomas called forthe council to install cameras to bring it "into the 21st Century".

His request followed the arrest this month of blogger JacquiThompson for attempting to film a meeting. She was released withoutcharge.

Filming Mr Thomas said sound and film recording would improvetransparency and create a "powerful and effective means" of holdingdecision-makers to account.

"After the fiasco at the meeting of the June 8, when Mrs Thompsonwas removed from the gallery, the public just cannot understand whatwas wrong in filming the proceedings, he said.

"She was not interfering with the meeting in any way."

"A sound system is already in place in the chamber and two fixedcameras would be sufficient to pan the whole chamber. "It could bedone with the minimum of cost and would require very littleresources.

"There would be a true record of the proceedings, and lower grademanagers could become aware of councillors views." In response,assistant chief executive Chris Burns said the council hadpreviously looked at the cost of video streaming council meetingsvia the internet but it did not appear there would be sufficientinterest to warrant the cost.

"However, with the growth of interest in this sort of technologywe will be inviting councillors to consider whether this may now bea worthwhile expense.

Urge "This would have the advantage of local people being able tosee the whole of a debate and not just an edited selection chosen byan individual to suit their own personal point of view." MrsThompson welcomed the idea, saying she would still like individualsto be able to film, but this was a good start if the council filmedevery meeting it could.

"I would urge the councillors to very strongly consider it," sheadded. "It would give everyone a chance to see what is happening. Ithink it is a worthwhile expenditure.

"I would hope it would be able to come out of the existing publicrelations budget."

Mr Thomas said: "That would be the way forward.

"The recording has to be available to the public, but it doesgive the council some control in terms of copyright so it would notbe abused."

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