Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vic: 2007 warmest year ever in Victoria: bureau

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: 2007 warmest year ever in Victoria: bureau

On the last day of the year .. Melbourne's expected to have its hottest day in 2007
.. a year climate experts say is Victoria's hottest year on record.

The temperature's tipped to hit 42 degrees in the city today.

And the Age reports preliminary Bureau of Meteorology figures show the average temperature
across Victoria is up about one degree from the long-term average.

The report says the data averages maximum and minimum temperatures across the state.

It's put Victoria's average temperature at 15.1 degrees in 2007 .. about one degree
above the average for the period from 1961 to 1990.

Senior forecaster TERRY RYAN says the warmer year's due to a range of factors .. including
global warning.

Mr RYAN says there's a greater than 50 per cent chance that 2008 will also be warmer
than average .. and possibly hotter than 2007.

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